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Eingestellt am August 28, 2023Von mZin die Kategorie Allgemein


Until October 2016, the land bordering the banks of the Spreenext to the highly touristic area around Kreuzberg’s Oberbaumbrücke, was a surprisingly ‚undeveloped‘ area. Over the decades, the site was the focus of urban players with interests and visions of all kinds – materialised either as temporary appropriations (parties, camping, living, murals and their overpainting), unrealised plans (shopping mall, BMW Guggenheim Lab, lofts with a view of the Spree) or protests (see for the contested history of the Cuvrybrache: Two decades of activism on the Cuvrybrache I Two decades ofWeiterlesen

Eingestellt am August 28, 2023Von mZin die Kategorie Allgemein

Creative Factories

Collaborative mapping to reconstruct a community of freelance workers (authors, lecturers, researchers, filmmakers, etc.) who had been working in a former photo factory at Görlitzer Park in Berlin-Kreuzberg since the1990s. In 2016, all tenants had to vacate to make room for the international business and start-up incubator club „Factory“, which moved into the building the following year. In November 2018, metroZones met with some of them in order to look back on how their community now erased by the so-called web-tech industry was spatially and socially organized at the time.Weiterlesen
Wie können die Stadt und ihre öffentlichen Güter in Zeiten zunehmender Verteilungskämpfe und des Klimawandels gemeinsam gestaltet werden? Dieser Frage geht die digitale Publikation „Gemeine Stadt“ nach, die eine gleichnamige Veranstaltungsreihe der Berliner Landeszentrale für politische Bildung in Kooperation mit metroZones begleitet.Weiterlesen
Wie trotzen die Favelas ihrer Verbannung aus der offiziellen Stadt? Wie begegnen sie der Gewaltherrschaft der Drogengangs, Milizen und Militärpolizei? Kann sich ihre Jugend mit Baile-Funk und Hip-Hop die urbane Bürgerschaft erkämpfen oder verwandelt gar die Pfingstbewegung die Favela in eine Stadt Gottes? Das Buch geht diesen Fragen zu Rios Peripherien anhand des foucaultschen Begriffs des Regierens nach und zeigt damit auch einige blinde Flecken der westlichen Stadtforschung bezogen auf urbane Realitäten im Globalen Süden auf.Weiterlesen
Filme und Räume haben das Potential, in das Verhältnis von Macht, Gewalt und Befreiung einzugreifen. "Moments of Rupture. Space, Militancy & Film" untersucht Methoden des Militanten Kinos innerhalb von Dekolonialisierungs- und Befreiungskämpfen. Die Buchpräsentation begleitend werden filmische Arbeiten gezeigt, die Auswirkungen von Bürgerkrieg und neoliberaler Stadtentwicklung in Beirut als Erinnerungsarbeit verhandeln. Gäste: Sandra Schäfer (Künstlerin/Filmemacherin, Berlin) und Marwa Arsanios (Künstlerin/Filmemacherin, Beirut) und Helene Kazan (Künstlerin/Filmemacherin, London). Moderation: Simon Sheikh (Kurator/Autor, London).Weiterlesen
Films and spaces have the capacity to intervene in the nexus of power, violence, and liberation. Sandra Schäfer’s book "Moments of Rupture. Space, Militancy & Film" examines the methods of militant cinema within the decolonisation and liberation struggles of the 1960s and 1970s. It also analyses films produced during the radicalisation of the student movement in West Germany. Using her own cinematic work as a foundation, Schäfer eventually focuses on two "projects" undertaken by Hezbollah in Lebanon. She presents her book in conversation with architect Joseph Rustom. Weiterlesen

Eingestellt am Juni 8, 2021Von mZin die Kategorie Allgemein

Film screening: „Yu Gong“ by Daniel Kötter, 13. June 2021

The economic, political and cultural future of globalization is taking shape. The documentary and essay film Yu Gong by Daniel Kötter documents the interdependence of China and Africa and finds many signs of an ever more comprehensive convergence, the forming of “Chinafrika”. Weiterlesen
Mapping as artistic research and as an image- and space-producing practice is at the core of this exhibition. It brings together selected mappings that metroZones has created during its explorations of recent years and juxtaposes them with invited international positions. All of the works presented share a focus on tracing and materializing urban conflict situations and resistance.Weiterlesen
"Mapping along" was made possible by the participation of a wide range of artists from many different places. In the run-up to the exhibition, metroZones spoke with them about the role of mapping in their work. The conversations were recorded on video. Here you find clips with Peter Spillmann, Katharina Pelosi, Pedro Ceñal Murga, Larissa Fassler, Christoph Schäfer, Stefan Endewardt and Joerg Franzbecker, Tytus Szabelski and Jeremy Tenenbaum.Weiterlesen