Technopolitics & hybridity: digital and urban cultures overlap

MetroZones Schule für städtisches Handeln
15.–18.9.2016 HAMBURG
Samstag 17.9.2016 20:00
with Michelle Teran
Lecture and public talk
Die internationale Medienkünstlerin Michelle Teran zeigt Ausschnitte aus ihren Erkundungen von digitaler Medien im urbanen Kontext, von der Forschung über das Trauma der Zwangsräumung bis zur Herstellung urbaner Subjektivität. Wie lassen sich städtische Erfahrungen verknüpfen und übersetzen? Was bedeutet es, (post-)digitale Praxen als Teil urbaner Kultur und Politik zu verstehen?

In her lecture multi-sited artist Michelle Teran presents fragments of her explorations of digital media in urban contexts, from the research on the trauma of eviction to the production of urban subjectivity. How to connect and translate local and individual experience? What does it mean to understand (post-)digital practices as part of urban culture – and politics?

Michelle Teran claims a hybrid practice that links political and social involvement to contemporary art actions. She critically engages media, connectivity and perception in the city, utilizing the language of surveillance, cartography and social networks. Her multidisciplinary works span film, text, performance, installation, online works, participatory events and interventions in public space. Born in Canada, she currently teaches in The University of Fine Arts in Trondheim. (

Veranstaltungsort Location fux//kaserne, Hof Bodenstedtstr. 16, 22765 Hamburg
Eintritt frei Entrance free